e-Lejar is a online service provided for taxpayer to check their Personal Details, Ledger Transaction and Current Tax balances.

Taxpayer may verify his personal details such registered address and account bank details with IRBM.

Taxpayers can check the transaction record of taxation such as tax assessment, tax payments and tax refunds that have been updated in taxpayers’ ledger. For example, the Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) made by employer have been received and credited by LHDNM. Similarly, tax assessment submitted via e-Filing application whether it has been updated in the ledger.

Updating of Information

When is necessary?

Taxpayer is advised to inform any personal information changes to IRBM immediately. Among are:

  1. Correspondence address / residential address
  2. Contact number
  3. Marital status
  4. Change of tax agent (if applicable)

How to update?

Kindly use CP600B Form (Change of Address Application Form) to update your correspondence address. For the purpose of updating other personal information, kindly forward to a letter enclosing relevant document to HASiL Office, via online e-kemaskini or Feedback Form at LHDNM official portal www.hasil.gov.my.