Online security - making your online experience as secure as possible

Electronic communication and transactions are a key part of Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia's (IRBM) service delivery. However, the advantages that online transactions provide can also give rise to the risk of fraud - individuals claiming to be someone they are not, and obtaining information they are not entitled to or requesting tax payment over e-mails. 

IRBM, in common with all providers of online services, is committed to your online security - but you need to be alert.

Since the methods fraudsters use to deceive taxpayers are constantly changing, IRBM will provide regular update on the type of scams it is aware of. The main risk involves unauthorised tax payment request via e-mail. IRBM continuously monitors systems and customer records to guard against such fraudulent activity.

Please ensure that identifiers and passwords you use when accessing IRBM systems are kept secure. Any suspicious activity should be reported to IRBM immediately.

Reporting IRBM related phishing emails


IRBM do not send tax payment request or appoint broker / foreign payment officer / any third party to collect Malaysian taxes over e-mail.

If you receive an email that doesn't address you appropriately and then asks you to click on a link and/or disclose your personal details or request for tax / penalty payment, you may well be revealing your details to a fraudulent website.

If you have received an email from IRBM that you consider to be suspicious or fraudulent, please forward it to

Action will be taken on each report received.

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