Information on registration of Malaysian Financial Institution (MYFI) for Common Reporting Standards (CRS)

Information on registration of Malaysian Financial Institution (MYFI) for filing reports under the Common Reporting Standards (CRS)

The IRBM IT Platform called HiDEF for CRS Reporting is in the final stage of development. For the purpose of reporting (including NIL report), MYFI need to register under HiDEF.

Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) is pleased to inform that the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Registration portal is OPEN. FIs who registers after the submission deadline will be considered as late registration and upon submission will be subject to a penalty.

Registration details as follows:

No Item Date (D/M/Y)
1 The CRS registration is ready to be used via this link: 1/2/2018
2 Information required for CRS registration include the details of MYFI and MYFI's Authorised Person. 1/2/2018
3 Only valid corporate email address is acceptable for CRS registration purposes. 1/2/2018
4 A Security Registration Number will be sent to MYFI's corporate email address upon registration. MYFI needs to enter the Security Registration Number (within 15 minutes) upon receipt of the Security Registration Number during the registration process. 1/2/2018
5 Authorised person must send an authorisation letter (with the MYFI's letter head) to IRBM by email at immediately after CRS registration. Approval will be granted upon successful application. CRS Registration Authorisation Letter Template 1/2/2018
6 MYFI is not required to upload a Security Certificate (public key) during the registration. However, it is a requirement to upload a Security Certificate prior to submitting the CRS report. 1/2/2018

Valid Certificate:

  1. Security Certificate should be bought from any authorized Certificate Authority (CA) and SHOULD NOT be self-signed.
  2. The certificate should still be valid at the time the transmission is being uploaded when reporting.
The accepted format ,cer or .crt only
8 MYFI is advised to keep the MyCRSID number as it is required to reset the password. 1/2/2018
9 For NIL report, uploading of a Security Certificate is not required. Reporting of a NIL report can be made by using the CRS ID. 1/2/2018
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